Register a versatile .immo domain today!
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From its German term "immobilien," which means real estate, the .immo TLD provides credibility for your business in the real estate industry. It guarantees your client that you mean business in selling, renting, and buying properties.
Tailored to all types of real-estate businesses, use these tips to create your .immo domain and boost your website visibility while capturing more customer attention.
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Get the answers you need right away.
The .immo domain is a generice top-level domain (gTLD) used to signify that a website is related to the real estate industry. .immo aims to provide businesses in the real estate credibility and recognizability, which helps in attracting audience and gaining trust from them.
A .immo domain name can cost up to $39.99 per year at You can also add Domain Privacy + Protection and Domain Expiration Protection for an additional cost.
Anyone can register a .immo domain. However, it's highly beneficial for businesses and organizations in the real estate industry, with services like, selling, buying, and renting properties.
Yes! It's an excellent way for real estate businesses to stand out online. It directly signals the goals and niche of a business from your web address, that is, providing real estate services.