Register a versatile .ltd domain today!
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A .ltd domain tells the world your business is official, trustworthy, and ready to grow. It’s perfect for limited companies looking to establish a legitimate and professional online presence.
Consider these suggestions to optimize your .ltd domain for search engines.
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Get the answers you need right away.
A .ltd domain is designed for limited companies to establish a clear, trusted online presence. It makes it easier for clients and partners to recognize their official status and expertise.
The cost to buy a .ltd domain name at is $22.99 for the first year. You can also add Domain Privacy + Protection and Domain Expiration Protection for an additional cost.
While it is commonly used by limited companies, it's not required to have a limited liability company (LLC) status to own a .ltd domain. The domain is available to any individual or business worldwide on a first-come, first-served basis.
Yes, a .ltd domain is ideal for businesses aiming to showcase their official and professional status. It fits limited companies or any business wanting to convey trust and credibility in a global marketplace.