Register a versatile .memorial domain today!
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The .memorial domain offers something truly special, a way to honor and remember loved ones in a personal and meaningful way. A .memorial domain name is a digital tribute that can be used to preserve and share memories, stories, and legacies for the future generation.
Perfect for memorial websites and online tribute pages, create your .memorial domain name with these tips to reach the right audience.
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Get the answers you need right away.
The .memorial is a generic top-level domain (gTLD), established to provide an online space for individuals and communities who want to share memories of a loved one and commemorate important events.
You can register your .memorial domain name at for $65.99 per year. You can also add Domain Privacy + Protection and Domain Expiration Protection for an additional cost.
The .memorial domain is open for eveyone. There are no specific eligibility requirements to register a .memorial domain.
Yes, the .memorial is a good domain especially for individuals who wants to pay tribute to their late loved ones. It's also a popular choice for businesses, organizations and institutions in the commemorative industry, like funeral homes and memorial service providers.