Register a versatile .name domain today!
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Your name is your brand. A .name domain creates an instant connection to showcase your expertise and building trust with your audience.
Set up your .name domain with the following tips to boost your online presence and make a lasting impression.
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Get the answers you need right away.
A .name domain name is a top-level domain (TLD) specifically designed for individuals to create personalized websites or email addresses using their own names.
Buying a .name domain name at is $37.99 for the first year. You can also add Domain Privacy + Protection and Domain Expiration Protection for an additional cost.
Anyone can register a .name domain. There are no restrictions based on country or type of organization.
The .name domain can be a great choice for individuals looking to establish a personal brand or online presence. It's memorable, easy to recognize, and adds a personal touch to your website or email address.