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A safety net for
your domain

Make sure your domain is always successfully registered—even if payment issues arise.

$9.999/One time fee*

Or LOG IN to add Domain Expiration Protection to an existing domain

image of a coffee house website with a security symbol next to the URL
renewal setting

Domain protection for peace of mind

Keep your domain registered even if you run into one of these common payment failure scenarios:

$9.999/One time fee*

*Covers one domain name for one term (term can be any duration)

The benefits of domain protection


Frequently asked

Get the answers you need right away.

Domain Expiration Protection is tied to a renewal term. When you have Domain Expiration Protection, the protection is good until the end of the term, whether you renew for 1 year or 10 years. If you forget to renew your domain, Domain Expiration Protection renews it for an additional year.

There are many situations in which an auto renew failure happens such as an expired credit card, closed credit card, insufficient funds, credit maximum reached which can be caused by a hotel or car rental that puts a large “hold” on your card, payment method frozen due to suspicious activity, or PayPal account frozen or hacked. No matter the reason, Domain Expiration Protection is there to protect you.

Domain Expiration Protection is one flat price that lasts for your domain term. If you purchase or renew your domain for 1 year, it will last for 1 year. If you purchase or renew your domain for 8 years, it will last 8 years. Domain Expiration Protection is connected to your domain purchase and offers extra value and longer-term protection when purchasing or renewing the associated domain for extended periods.