*Pricing reflects the monthly cost when purchasing in-full, upfront, for a one year term. This service is on auto-renew.
SiteLock Security will scan your website to make sure it’s free of malware, viruses, and more.
If malware is detected, SiteLock will automatically remove the threat.
If we find something threatening on your site, you’ll be notified immediately.
Display the SiteLock seal on your site to let visitors know that you have security in mind.
SiteLock detects and resolves most website security issues, including XXS scripting, SQL injection, app scanning, and more. Without SiteLock, your website's security is at a much higher risk and would require constant vigilance, as well as a fair amount of technical knowledge, to resolve any issues.
Each plan scales up in features and protection, and it’s important to balance the needs of your site against the cost, while ensuring your website gets the necessary protection against threats. SiteLock Essentials provides the minimum recommended protection for your site, while SiteLock Prevent will give you more comprehensive protection. The SiteLock Prevent Plus plan provides the most advanced site security. Call our experts at 1-800-494-8932 to see which plan is right for you.
Search engines like Google are able to detect if malware exists on your website or eCommerce store. If that happens, they will often blacklist your site and stop sending visitors your way. To become whitelisted again is difficult, so it’s much simpler to take preventative measures, avoiding being blacklisted altogether. SiteLock helps prevent this circumstance by ensuring your site stays clean and safe.
If malware is found, SiteLock downloads your website data to identify and remove it. It then uploads a clean version of your files to restore your site.
SiteLock Prevent and Prevent Plus both include a CDN to help your site load faster by caching it across an international network. If you’re already using a CDN, SiteLock will replace it. You’ll be able to access your CDN settings through the SiteLock dashboard.
Yes, SiteLock is definitely worth it. Website security is extremely important in today's digital landscape. Without SiteLock, your website is at a much higher risk for security threats, and you would need a fair amount of technical knowledge and constant vigilance to keep your site secure.