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Add Product Categories: A Step-by-Step Guide

A product category is a collection of several products. These category names appear on the storefront above the product list. Product categories serve as filters that enable store customers to narrow down the list to a certain collection of products when browsing. It is also a way of organizing your inventory. Learn how to add product categories to Online Store and eCommerce. 

Add Product Categories

Follow the steps below on how to purchase Domain Privacy + Protection for your domain name.

  1. Log in to your Account Manager via https://www.web.com/my-account/login.
  2. On your Account Manager homepage, click eCommerce on the left menu. If you only have one eCommerce product, you will be automatically routed to your eCommerce dashboard.
    • If you have multiple eCommerce products, click LAUNCH next to the product you would like to update.
      eCommerce Launch link
  1. Click Store on the left navigation menu, then select Settings.

Store Settings

  1. On the Settings page, click on the Manage button for Online Store.

Online Store Card

  1. Click the Manage button on the Product Category card.

Product Category card

  1. Click on the Add Product Category button on the Product Category page.
    Add Product Category button

  1. In the Create a Category page, enter the product name in the field provided. This is where you can create a product category for Online Store and eCommerce.

Category name and parent category

  1. Click Continue.
  2. The product category has been created. You can view it on the Product Category page. This is also where you can manage product categories in your Online Store or eCommerce.
    Product Category page
Note: You can either edit or delete the existing product category by clicking on the vertical ellipsis Category name and parent category ellipsis icon beside the toggle button.


Struggling to organize your online store or eCommerce inventory? Product categories can help you! This guide walks you through adding product categories to your online store and eCommerce. You'll learn how to navigate the eCommerce product, create clear category names, and manage your product organization with ease. 

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