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How to Check the Domain Transfer Statuses

This article discusses the different domain transfer statuses you might encounter during a domain transfer, such as “Pending Transfer,” “Domain is Locked,” and “Expired,” along with actionable steps to resolve any issues that may arise.

In this article, we will discuss:

Where to Check the Domain Status

  1. Log in to https://www.web.com/my-account/login.
  2. On the left navigation menu, click on Domain Name.
    Account Manager Domains
    • If you only have a single domain name, you will be redirected to the Domain Overview page right away.
    • If you have several domain names, you need to click the domain name that you want to manage or check to see Domain Overview.
  3. Under Domain Overview, you'll see the status of your domain listed under Status.
    Domain Overview Page

Once you initiate a domain transfer, your domain name will be in the Pending Transfer status until the transfer is complete. You will see a message under the Transfer or Move Domain menu confirming whether the transfer is still being processed.

For example:

Transfer or Move Domain

Domain Transfer Status

Review the information below to better understand the different transfer statuses you might encounter. While you'll likely only see the Pending Transfer status, it's good to know about the others in case you come across them.

  • Domain is Locked - You will need to remove any security locks at your current registrar. If you need further assistance, contact your current registrar.
  • Expired - With your domain expired, you still have the option to transfer it out.
  • Not Authorized by Admin Contact – The person who has access to the admin email address canceled or did not respond to the approval email from your current registrar. Contact your current registrar for help in fixing this issue.
  • Pending Transfer - Indicates a domain transfer is in progress (to another account, account owner, or a different registrar).
  • Rejected by Current Registrar - Your current registrar's name provider may have rejected the transfer for reasons such as history of non-payment, a court order, or evidence of fraud.


Although the transferring status of domains can be very confusing, with the right knowledge and resources, it's doable. If you know each status and the action required of you for each one, it will be a seamless transfer. Remember, whether transferring a domain to or from Web.com, knowledge is power, and staying proactive is the key.

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