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eCommerce: Export Sales Orders to Accounting Platform

To export sales orders to your accounting platform, you need to have the accounting system linked to your Online Store or eCommerce store. Check the related articles below to integrate eCommerce and accounting:

Note: You can only export your sales orders after they are closed.

Export Sales Orders to Accounting Platform

Follow the steps below to export Sales Orders to your accounting platform.

  1. Log in to your account via https://www.web.com/my-account/login.
  2. On your Account Manager homepage, click eCommerce on the left menu. If you only have one eCommerce product, you will be automatically routed to your eCommerce dashboard.
    • If you have multiple eCommerce products, click LAUNCH next to the product you would like to update.
      Launch link
  3. Once you have accessed your eCommerce dashboard, click Store on the left menu, then choose Sales.
    Sales option
  4. By default, the Orders page will open. Go to the Closed Orders tab.
    Closed Orders tab
  5. Check the box on the left side to process selected orders only.

    Note: To process multiple orders, please check the box on the uppermost left side of the table header.

  6. Once orders are selected, click the drop-down icon next to Bulk Actions and select Export to Accounting.
    Export Sales Orders to Account Platform using Bulk Actions


To export sales orders from your Online or eCommerce store to your accounting platform, you must first integrate your Online Store with Xero or QuickBooks. Note that your sales orders can only be exported after they are completed or marked as closed. You will have the option to export only specific orders or all orders listed on your eCommerce Orders page.

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