
Knowledge Base

Google Workspace Frequently Asked Questions

 Important: This article applies to Google Workspace only. 


In this article, we will discuss: 

How Do I use the Admin Console in Google Workspace?

AIn addition to all the features regularly available for any Google Workspace User, administrators have access to unique controls which allow them to manage and restrict Google Workspace for all users associated with their domain. Google has prepared extensive documentation to help administrators effectively manage their accounts.

For more information, check out the links below:

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What are the Sending Limits for Gmail?

AThe Gmail sending limits are:

Limit Type



Messages per day

Daily sending limit*


Messages auto-forwarded

Messages automatically forwarded from another account; not included in the daily sending limit


Auto-forward mail filters

Account filters that automatically forward mail


Recipients per message

Addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email*

2000 (500 external recipients max.)

Recipients per message (sent via SMTP by POP or IMAP users)

Addresses in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of a single email*


Total recipients per day

Individual addresses count in every mail sent; 5 emails sent to 10 addresses count as 50 recipients*


External recipients per day

Email addresses outside your primary domain, including domain aliases and alternate domains


Unique recipients per day

Individual addresses count once a day; 5 emails sent to 10 addresses count as 10 unique recipients*

3000 (2000 external)

*Applies to both internal and external recipients

These limits and more information are also shown on Google's Support Site

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Is there a List of Supported Browsers?

AWhile Google Workspace is optimized to work best with the Google Chrome web browser, it is also designed to work well on the most recent versions of other major browsers:

You can more information on Google's Support Website.

All browsers must have cookies and JavaScript enabled to use Google Workspace.


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