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How to Create a Google Account for a Google Business Profile

You can access and use many different Google services with your Google account, such as Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), Gmail, YouTube, and more. Discover the steps on how to create a Google account for your Google Business Profile. Creating a Google account lets you connect it with your business profile and turn users who find you on Google into new customers.

Create a Google Account for a Google Business Profile

Below are the steps on how to create a Google account for Google Business Profile:

  1. Go to Google's sign-in page.
  2. Click on Create account.
    Create account link
  3. Select For work or my business from the options.
    For work or my business option
  4. You will be asked to choose the email that is best for your business:
    • You can choose to Try Google Workspace for a price or Get a Gmail address for free.
      • If you select Try Google Workspace, follow the instructions on your screen.
      • If you choose Get a Gmail address, proceed with the steps below.
  5. Enter your First Name and Last Name, and then click Next.
    Fields to enter First Name and Last Name
  6. You will be asked about your birthday and gender. Click on the Month drop-down to select a month, enter the day and year of your birthday, and select a gender from the Gender drop-down. Hit Next.
    Info for Birthday and Gender
  7. You will be asked to choose your Gmail address. You can choose from the suggested email addresses or create your own.
    • If you have an existing email address you want to use, click on the Use your existing email option. Enter your email address and click Next to proceed with verification. 
  8. Next, you will need to create a password. Enter your password, confirm it, then click Next.
    Fields to enter password and confirm it
  9. You will be asked to verify your account. Enter your phone number, then enter the 6-digit verification code sent via SMS. Click Next.
  10. Add a recovery email (This is optional).
  11. You have created a Google account.
    Review account info
  12. After completing the setup, you can now create a Google Business Profile. Check out Google's documentation for instructions. 

After completing your Google Business Profile setup, you can also connect it with Business Directory.


Before you can proceed with Google Business profile registration, you will need to create a Google account first. Create a Google Account for your Google Business profile with the help of this guide. Afterward, you can connect your Business Profile with Business Directory.

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