
Knowledge Base

How Do I Generate a Certificate Signing Request for cPanel or WHM?

Important: This article applies to customers with SSL services only.


To generate your Certificate Signing Request (CSR), you must log in to your cPanel® or WHM account. Both cPanel® (the end-user control panel) and WHM (the administrator panel) have slightly different ways to request certificates and generate CSRs.

In this article, we will discuss: 


Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for WHM:

  1. Log into WHM. From the menu, navigate to the SSL/TLS section.

  2. Click Generate an SSL Certificate and SIgning Request.
    Generate SSL Certificate

  3. You will then be asked to fill out the details required to generate a CSR.
    Details Required.

    Note: We advise using at least a 2048-bit key, the minimum for EV certificates.

  4. You must fill out all the required fields. For Wildcare certificates, the Common Name should be in the format: *.mydomain.com. If you have a DV (Domain Validation) certificate, you do not have to specify the Company fields. You can type "NA" instead.
  5. Once you have completed the required fields, click the Create button.
  6. You will be presented with the CSR (labeled Signing Request), the private key, and a temporary self-signed certificate.
  7. Copy and paste the contents of the CSR into the enrollment form when requested.

You have generated your CSR for WHM.



Follow these instructions to generate a CSR for cPanel:

  1. Log into cPanel. Under the Security menu, click the SSL/TLS Manager.
    SSL TLS button

  2. The first step is to create a Private Key. Click the Generate... link.
    Generate Link...

  3. Complete the required details.
    CSR details required

    Note: We advise to using at least a 2048-bit key, the minimum for EV certificates.

  4. Click the Generate button.
  5. You will be shown the CSR and its associated information. Copy and paste the contents of the CSR into the enrollment form when requested.


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