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How Do I Generate a CSR for Microsoft® IIS 4.X?

Important: This article applies to customers with SSL services only.

To generate your Certificate Signing Request (CSR), you will need to log into your server and use the following instructions:

  1. Open the Microsoft® Management Console (MMC).
  2. Expand the Internet Information Server, then expand your server name.
  3. Open the Properties of the website where you require the CSR. Do this by right-clicking on the website.
  4. Open Directory Security.
  5. Under the Secure Communications area, choose Key manager and select Create a New Key.
  6. Fill out your information. The following characters are not allowed: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < & / \.
  7. Click Next until you complete the process. Answer Yes to saving any changes.
  8. Open the CSR file created with a text editor (usually Notepad). Copy the contents of the file from:
  9. Paste this information into the enrollment form when requested.

You have generated your CSR for Microsoft IIS 4.X.

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