How Do I Install an EV SSL Certificate on Microsoft Exchange 2010?
Important: This article applies to customers with SSL services only.
Before You Get Started
To follow this process, you first need to have the ZIP file you received with your order OR your Exchange Certificate, which may be yourDomain_com.crt (or .cer).
These files must be present on your Exchange Server to follow these instructions.
You should have received your certificate from us, a file typically named your_domain_com.crt, and the CA bundle file containing the intermediate certificates, typically named either dv_chain.txt, ov_chain.txt or ev_chain.txt, and downloadable from your SSL control panel.
SSL Certificate Installation
Now, you can follow these instructions to copy the file(s) you received to the server:
Start the Exchange Management Console by going to Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console.
Click the link to Manage Databases and then go to Server configuration.
Select your certificate from the menu on the center-button of the screen (friendly name specified during the CSR generation process).
Click the link in the Actions menu (far right) to Complete Pending Request.
Browse to your certificate file, click Open, then Complete.
To enable your certificate for use, select Server Configuration and click the link to Assign Services to Certificate (far right). Alternatively, you can right-click on your certificate and select Assign Services to Certificate.
Select your server from the list provided, then click Next.
Select the services you would like to enable your new certificate, click Next, Assign, then Finish.
You now have an SSL certificate installed and enabled for use with Exchange!