Install an EV SSL Certificate on Microsoft IIS 7.x
Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates has the highest level of validation, assuring your customers that your website is legitimate and not a phishing attempt. When installed correctly, EV SSL certificates trigger a green address bar in most browsers, visually indicating a secure connection and boosting visitor confidence. Install an EV SSL Certificate on Microsoft IIS 7.x, including any root and intermediate certificates.
Follow the SSL installation instructions outlined in these sections:
- Prepare for EV SSL Installation: Copying Files to Your Server
- Install Root and Intermediate Certificates on Microsoft IIS 7.x (MMC)
- Import Root & Intermediate Certificates for EV SSL on Microsoft IIS 7.x
Prepare for EV SSL Installation: Copying Files to Your Server
To initiate the EV SSL certificate installation on Microsoft IIS 7.x, follow these steps to copy the certificate files to your server:
- Click the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- In the left-hand pane of the IIS Manager window, find and click on the name of your server.
- Within the Security section (usually on the right-hand pane), click the button labeled Server Certificates.
- On the right-hand side, click the Complete EV SSL Certificate Request... button to launch the certificate installation wizard.
- For easy reference, you can also assign a friendly name to the certificate. This name is for your own internal use and can be anything you like. For clarity, we recommend using the domain name associated with the certificate. Once you've entered this information, click OK to install the certificate.
Note: If you generated the certificate signing request (CSR) on this same server, you can safely ignore this message. Simply click OK and refresh the certificate list in IIS 7. In most instances, the certificate will be installed correctly.
- Now the certificate is installed, IIS 7 requires that bindings be added to the site requiring the certificate.
- Select the website from the left-hand side, and on the right-hand menu, click Bindings....
- In the Site Bindings pop-up, click the Add button.
- Change the Type setting to https. Select the site's IP address (or leave it to All Unassigned if this is the only site with an SSL certificate on this server). Leave the Port at 443 unless you know you can change it.
From the SSL certificate drop-down menu, choose the name of the certificate you just installed. The View button can be used to confirm which certificate you have chosen. - Finally, click OK to add the binding, then click Close in the Site Bindings window.
The certificate is now installed on the site.
Install Root and Intermediate Certificates on Microsoft IIS 7.x (MMC)
Follow these instructions to install the root and intermediate via MMC.
- Open up the Microsoft Management Console. On your computer, click Start, then Run, enter MMC, and click OK.
- Open Add/Remove Snap-in Window. Click File, then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
- Add the Certificates Snap-in. Click Add, then click Certificates.
- Select Computer Account, then click Next.
Note: When adding the Certificates snap-in, ensure you choose Choose Account for successful installation. - Select Local Computer, then click Finish.
- Close the Add Standalone Snap-in window, then click OK in the Add/Remove Snap-in window. You are returned to the MMC.
Import Root & Intermediate Certificates for EV SSL on Microsoft IIS 7.x
Follow these instructions to install the root certificate:
- Expand the Certificates section by clicking on the plus (+) sign and turning it to a minus (-) sign to expose the Certificates tree.
- Import the Root Certificate. Right-click Trusted Root Certification Authorities, select All Tasks, then select Import.
- Click Next.
- Locate the Root Certificate, then click Next.
- Click Finish to complete the root certificate installation. Now, follow these instructions to install the intermediate certificate in the next step.
- The process for installing intermediate certificates is like the root certificate. However, instead of using Trusted Root Certification Authorities, navigate to the Intermediate Certification Authorities section within the Certificates snap-in. Here, import the remaining certificate files associated with your EV SSL certificate (excluding your domain certificate file).
- Restart the Website through IIS. You have installed the root and intermediate certificates.
Remember, restarting the server should only be a last resort as it can temporarily impact website availability.
Learn how to install an EV SSL Certificate on Microsoft IIS 7.x to enhance customer trust by showing your website is secure and legitimate. Follow the steps provided in this article to ensure that your EV SSL Certificate is correctly installed and functioning on Microsoft IIS 7.x.