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Website Builder Tool Overview

Want a website that looks like it was built by a pro? Our Website Builder Tool has got you covered. You can design, develop, and publish your site quickly and easily, all without sacrificing quality.

Important: This article applies to customers with a website builder tool, as shown in the image below.
Website Builder Toolbar

Here's a quick look at what you'll find in the top right corner.

  • Your username
  • The URL of your website

You will also see the following icons:

  • Preview icon - Preview your website in another browser window before publishing.
  • Publis icon - Publish individual pages or your entire website.
  • File Manager icon - Manage images and files stored on your website builder.
  • - Access help information.
Note: If you need help finding your way around the website builder, click on the Help icon within your website builder for more detailed information.

A control panel at the top-left portion of every window is organized into the following navigation tabs:

You can find options to manage your website and its related services here.

Make Site Changes Yourself option This is where you go to edit your website and manage/restore versions of your website.
Webmaster Tools option This section contains your SEO options and the necessary fields to add Google Webmaster Tools code (this also works for Bing Webmaster Tools).
Form Submissions Manager option If you have added a Secured form to your website, this is where you will find your submissions.
Polls Manager option This opens a pop-up to manage your Polls (if you have added one to your website).

Site Design

Here, you can choose a different website template and update text styling.

Site Designs icon This opens a pop-up window to browse and select a Template Design. Approximately 2,700 templates are available, with many available in different colors. You can also browse by Category, Subcategory, Color, or Keyword.
Text Styling Icon This allows you to choose the default style for the various forms of text on your website.
Advance Custom CSS icon This section will provide you with a code box to insert your custom CSS coding to modify the look of your website. You should be familiar with CSS before making changes here.

Page Editor

Use options in this tab to insert images, texts, and other content to your website pages.

Add Content Block icon This allows you to add a content block to organize your website content. You can add blocks to accommodate Text, Graphics, Components (for example, picture slide show), and Services (for example, counter to track visits).
Image icon This will open the Image Manager in a pop-up window.
Photo Album icon This will open the Photo Album Editor to create your Photo Album/Gallery.
Table icon This allows you to create a Table on your website.
Forms icon This opens a pop-up window to select a Template for your Form. A series of different preset options can be customized to your needs.
Design Elements icon This expands to display new options, such as Image Effects, Layouts, Bullet List Box Themes, Buttons, Calendars, and Restaurant Menus.
Code icon Clicking this will open an option to insert HTML or View HTML coding on the website.
SEO icon This opens the same Edit your SEO Settings pop-up as found on the Overview page.
Spelling & Grammar icon This will run a spell check over your website content and offer to Replace, Replace All, Ignore, Ignore all corrections, etc.


More content options are available here (for example, social buttons and multimedia).

Photo Album icon This allows you to add a photo gallery to your website.
Map icon This allows you to add a Map to your website. This feature utilizes Google Maps.
Forms icon This opens a pop-up window to select a Template for your Form. A series of different preset options can be customized to your needs.
Feedback icon This opens a pop-up window to select a Template for your Feedback Form. A series of different preset options can be customized to your needs.
Multimedia icon This feature allows you to add multimedia to your website, such as Videos, Music, Flash, and embedded YouTube Videos.
Social icon This will allow you to add one of the social media features listed, such as a link to a profile page, share this page, Facebook Like, or Google Plus.
Coupons icon This allows you to add a printable coupon to your website.
RSS icon This provides the ability to add an RSS feed to your website.
Site Search icon This is a simple site search feature that allows you to search your website.
Counter icon This allows you to add a Hit Counter to your website.
Polls icon This allows you to create a poll for your viewers to submit.


And there you have it! With this Website Builder Tool overview, you're well on your way to creating a stunning website. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to experiment and explore all the features this tool has to offer. Happy building!

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