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How to Transfer a Domain Name to Web.com

A transfer into Web.com® means transferring your registration from your current registrar to Web.com®. A transfer to another Web.com® account means transferring your domain from one Web.com® account into another Web.com account.

You will need to prepare your domain name for a transfer at the registrar where you are currently managing the domain name. Then you will need to complete a few steps at Web.com®.

Typically, domain transfers can take between 5 to 8 days to complete. Depending on where you currently manage your domain name, some registrars can release the domain early after the transfer has been initiated.

In this article, we'll discuss:

Prepare at Your Current Registrar

Before you begin the transfer process, make sure you have prepared your domain name. With a few exceptions, the following steps are the same for most domain names:

  1. Make sure your domain was registered or transferred more than 60 days ago.

Note: ICANN, the regulatory body that governs domain names, requires domain name providers to prevent domain transfers in certain circumstances. Specifically, a transfer is not allowed until 60 days after the following events have occurred:

  • The domain is registered.
  • The registrant's contact information has changed.
  • The domain is successfully transferred.

These restrictions apply to both transfer-ins to us and transfer-outs to another domain provider. Please see the Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars for more information on ICANN's policy when transferring registrations between registrars.

  1. Remove any locks or security settings at the current registrar.
  2. Request an authorization code from your current registrar.
  3. Change your domain privacy settings to public. For more information on how to manage perfect privacy, see Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars.

Initiating Transfers into Web.com

Follow these steps to initiate your domain transfer if you do not have an existing Web.com ® account.

  1. The person who wishes to be the new owner of the domain name can start the process at  https://www.web.com/domains/domain-transfer.
  2. Enter the domain name you would like to transfer, then click Continue.

    Enter domain name
  3. Review the order and click CONTINUE TO CHECKOUT to proceed.

    Continue to Checkout
  4. If you do not have an account yet, you can fill out the form to complete the transaction. If you already have an account, click the LOG IN button at the top right side of the form.

  5. Complete your order.

You should receive an email at the administrative email listed on the WHOIS for your domain that will request your authorization code. This email may take 2-4 hours to be delivered. Click the link in the email and type your authorization code to begin the transfer.

Initiating Transfers into Another Web.com Account

Follow these instructions to initiate a domain transfer into another Web.com® account.

  1. Log in to https://www.web.com/my-account/login
  2. On the left side of the page, click Domains.
  3. Under Transfer or Move Domain, click Move Accounts.

Move Accounts

  1. If there is no current account, click Create New. If there is an account, go to step 5.
  • Select whether you are creating a Personal or Organization account, then click Continue.

Create a Personal or Organizational Account

  • Enter the Account Name, then click Create.

Create New Account

  1. Select the account where you want to move your domain. If an account already exists, click Continue. If the account is not connected with your account, the gaining registrant will need to initiate the transfer.
  • Check the box confirming you want to move your domain into this account, then click Move.

Confirm to Move Accounts

You and the account holder will both receive an email to authorize your request to transfer the domain name into your account. You each have 14 days to approve your request.

Note: Transfers to another Web.com® account will not be charged.

Requesting an Authorization Code from Web.com

Follow these steps to request an authorization code from within the Account Manager.

  1. Log in to https://www.web.com/my-account/login
  2. On the left side of the page, click Domains.
  3. Under Transfer or Move Domain, click Request Auth Code.

Request Auth Code

  1. Answer the question about your transfer, then click CONTINUE.

Transfer to New Registrar Form


  1. A pop-up will appear, reminding you to set up your hosts' DNS records. You can do it yourself or contact our phone/chat support team for further assistance. If you are all set to go, you can click CONTINE WITH TRANSFER.



  1. If you decide to transfer your domain, make sure to review the things listed for proper expectation. Click SEND AUTH CODE to receive the Authorization code to the email listed.


Note: You will receive your authorization code via email in 3 days.

Transfers Out Completed

Once a request to transfer away has been initiated, Web.com® will send an email to the current Account Holder or Primary Contact of the domain name, asking the individual to authorize the transfer request.

The Account Holder/Primary Contact has 14 days to authorize the transfer request. Once a transfer request has been authorized, the domain will take 5 - 8 business days to be transferred. The person gaining the domain name will be notified within 48 hours.

Check Transfer Status

Once a domain transfer is initiated from one registrar to another, it goes through several stages. Sometimes, your registrar or the gaining registrar may also deny your request due to some circumstances that must be addressed first.

With all the possible blocks in your domain transfer, it is vital that you check the status of the transfer regularly. Doing this allows you to resolve any blockage and estimate when the transfer will be completed. See How Can I Check the Status of a Domain Transfer?


Transferring your domain name to Web.com is a simple process that can be completed in a few days. By following the steps in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and successful transfer.

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