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WordPress: How to Add a Photo Gallery

Adding great images to your website or online store is key to keeping your interested audience. WordPress makes it simple to show your photos. Whether you're a photographer sharing your work or a blogger making your post more exciting, a nice WordPress photo gallery improves how visitors enjoy your site. Easily add a photo gallery to your WordPress site by following our comprehensive guide.

In this article, we will discuss:

How to Add a Photo Gallery

You can follow the steps below to easily add a photo gallery to your WordPress site.

Note: The steps below were based on the WordPress Gutenberg Editor. If you have a different version of WordPress or a page builder or gallery plugin installed, the steps may be different.
  1. Open your browser and log in to your WordPress dashboard by following this format yourdomain.extension/wp-admin (for ex: example.com/wp-admin)
  2. Once you're on your WordPress dashboard, go to Pages in the left menu.
    Wordpress Dashboard left menu, Pages

  3. Select the page where you want to add a photo gallery. If you don't have a page yet, check the article Wordpress: How to Create a Page or Blog Post.
  4. Once you are on the editor page, click on the plus icon at the top left corner to add a block, then search for gallery.
    Gutenberg editor, plus icon

  5. Click on the gallery icon to add it to your page.
    Gallery block

  6. Then, you will have the option to Upload images or to browse your Media Library if you have already uploaded your images into your media library.
    Gallery block, Ppload or Media Library option
    1. Click Upload to upload images directly from your device.
    2. If Media Library is selected. From here, you can select the images that you would like to add to your photo gallery.
      Create gallery window

  7. After selecting the images you want for your gallery, you can click Create a new gallery.
    Create a new gallery button

  8. You will be routed to Edit Gallery to customize your photo gallery. In this page, you can select the image and do the following:
    Edit Gallery options
    1. Drag and drop your images to reorder your images.
    2. Edit the images.
    3. Delete the images.
    4. Add an Alt Text.
    5. Edit the image Title.
    6. Add a Caption.
    7. Add a Description.
  9. After editing your images for your photo gallery, you can click Insert gallery to add the photo gallery you created to your page.
    Insert Gallery button
You have now created a Photo Gallery for your website.


Congratulations! You've successfully added a photo gallery to your WordPress website. Now, you can share your stunning visuals with your audience and leave a lasting impression. Remember to explore the customization options within the WordPress gallery block to create a unique look that complements your website's design.

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